Jeffrey S. Gore
Office: (804) 780-3143
Jeff is a shareholder in the firm. His law practice includes advising a wide variety of local and regional entities, including localities, juvenile detention commissions, regional jail authorities, and planning district commissions. He also represents governmental and private sector clients before the Virginia General Assembly, and state executive branch agencies and regulatory boards. Under Jeff’s direction, HWG has successfully advocated for numerous legislative and budgetary measures on behalf of Virginia localities, statewide associations, and Fortune 500 corporate clients. Jeff’s previous experience includes serving four years as an attorney at the Virginia Division of Legislative Services, where he was legal counsel to the Senate Local Government Committee and the House Counties, Cities and Towns Committee. Immediately prior to entering private practice Jeff was Director of Governmental Affairs for the Virginia Association of Counties.
University of Virginia, B.A., History 1994
George Mason University School of Law, J.D. 1999
Virginia State Bar, member since 2000
Virginia State Bar local government section
Local Government Attorneys of Virginia, Inc.
Richmond Bar Association
Virginia Bar Association
Selected Publications/Presentations
Accessing Medicaid in Virginia for Inmates of Local Correctional Facilities, Jeffrey S. Gore and Jeffery Newton; American Jails, September/October 2016 vol.; linked here with permission of the American Jail Association.
2013 Transportation Bill: Unblocking Gridlock, Jeffrey S. Gore; Virginia State Bar Journal of Local Government Law, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, Spring 2013.
Unlocking the Secrets of the Treasure Chest: Virginia’s State Budget Structure and Process, Jeffrey S. Gore, Roger C. Wiley; Virginia State Bar Journal of Local Government Law, Vol. XXII, No. 2, Fall 2011.
Virginia Public Records Act Requirements: A discussion of how local governments can comply and why they should, Jeffrey S. Gore, Roger C. Wiley; Virginia Municipal League Local Officials’ Resource Guide, 2009-2010, 2011-2012 editions.
Jeff has provided pro bono legal services to several Richmond Area non-profit organizations and is past chairman and a founding board member of Re-Establish Richmond, Inc., a non-profit corporation established to provide safe, affordable housing and life-skills training to political refugees located in the Richmond area through a U.S. State Department program.
Virginia Administrative Law Advisory Committee
Appointed by the Virginia Code Commission in 2012 as the local government representative. "ALAC" is a committee created by statute to assist the Commission with its oversight over the operation and effectiveness of the Virginia Administrative Process Act and Virginia Register Act.Appointed member of Governor-Elect Ralph Northam’s public safety transition policy committee and co-author of the committee’s January 2018 report.