The Role of the Local Government Attorney: Guardrails, Not Roadblocks.
By Roger C. Wiley
This article first appeared in the February, 2005 issue of The Bill of Particulars, the monthly newsletter of the Local Government Attorneys of Virginia, Inc. It was later republished in Municipal Attorney (vol. 46, no. 4), the bimonthly magazine of the International Municipal Lawyers Association.
The Local Government Officials' Guide to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act
By Roger C. Wiley
The Local Government Officials' Guide to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act was first issued in 1996. This 4th edition of the guide, published in 2007, has been rewritten and expanded to include all of the changes to the act effective July 1, 2006.
This guide explains the Virginia Freedom of Information Act in a clear, readable format of over 100 questions and answers. Information is arranged under six broad categories.
- Who is covered by the act?
- What is considered a public 'meeting'?
- When are closed meetings permissible?
- To what public records does the act apply?
- What happens if someone violates the act?
- What are other sources of FOIA information?
The guide gives public officials the knowledge they need to ensure that public business is carried out with public access, to the fullest extent permissible under the law.
The guide is indispensable-not only for Virginia's elected and appointed government officials-also for all Virginia citizens who care about good government.
36 pages, soft cover, $5.00 regular price, $4.00 for 25 or more. Price includes shipping and handling.
Download FOIA Guide Order Form (PDF, 458kb, 1 page)
Virginia Public Records Act Requirement
By Jeffrey S. Gore
Discussion of how local governments can comply and why they should. Virginia Municipal League for Local Leaders, 2010-2011 edition.